Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Assignment: November 17-19

We will be in the computer lab and library Wednesday, November 17th through Friday November 19. I will not be in class with you on Thursday or Friday, so if you have questions, it would be best to ask me on Wednesday in class. (Or please email me: hhshinman@gmail.com .)

TASK 1. We have done work this semester on the class blog. Your will now create your own blog. Please follow the instructions (the handout I gave to you in class, also found HERE.) For now, the only people who will be able to view it are you and I. After thanksgiving we will open it up to the whole class.

TASK 2. The research project you will work on through Thanksgiving will build on the work you did earlier in the semester. The concept is similar: an imaginary trip to Europe. Please find the assignment requirements HERE. IT IS DUE ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH.

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